Welcome to vpsFree.cz Discourse! 👋

vpsFree.cz Discourse is a platform where members can discuss and ask help regarding VPS, installation and configuration of services, etc.

Announcements is used by vpsFree.cz admins to announce changes and new features. Most of these are also available on our blog, which is however only in Czech for now.

Help is a place for your questions. More experienced members can help those who need it. Note that this is not vpsFree.cz support, you won’t find urgent help here is your VPS isn’t working as expected. You can reach vpsFree.cz support at support@vpsfree.org. If you need advice or guidance with system administration, ask away!

General for discussion of other topics.

Guides is an alternative to our knowledge base, but allowing discussion. Feel free to post guides for your own need, or to help others.

Login options

You can log in using vpsAdmin (Log in → with vpsAdmin), or you can create a standalone account.

E-mail notifications

If you’d like to receive e-mails about new topics and posts, you can subscribe to individual categories. Click on Help or Announcements and then in the top right corner, there’s a bell icon. Click on it to choose what you’d like to be informed about. In your user profile settings, you can configure if you’d like to receive e-mails always or only when you don’t have Discourse open.

Reply by e-mail

For those who prefer e-mail over web interfaces, you can send your replies via e-mail if you subscribe to get notifications. New topics in Help can be created by sending an e-mail to help@discourse.vpsfree.cz. You have to have a corresponding Discourse account before you can post via e-mail.

Trust level

Trust level determines what you’re allowed to do within Discourse. It is an antispam protection and it also gives users time to orient themselves by hiding advanced functions at first. You can read more about trust levels on Discourse blog.

After registration, you’ll have trust level 0. For example, to send private messages, you need at least trust level 1. You can reach this level e.g. by reading posts for 10 minutes.


While the majority of our members are Czech or Slovak, you can freely ask and discuss in English.